Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The thread of damning evidence

Okay here is the summary thread that pretty much brings the everything together from the mega epic long thread at SLU about the JLU.  It's really pretty damning, especially after two of their members and pretty much confirm some things as legit.  Bad mistake on their part because then a lot of the chat logs start getting dumped.

Anyways here is the short thread with plenty of links back to the juicier parts of the main thread.  I don't think it's complete yet but bronxelf is working on it as she can.

Give it a it a read and be warned. 

Don't forget to keep your rl info under lock in key in SL and anywhere else on the web.  Especially if you link it with your SL avi names.  JLU wants it and they will go looking.  They are very adept internet stalkers at this point.

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