Linden Labs like to talk a big game about how there is so much more to Second Life than just sex. Well as got on the marketplace today I took a quick snapshot of what people are buying right now. I think they just need to own up and admit they run an online virtual fuckfest.
Tales from Second Life, dirty stories I've wrote and other internet musings. All pouring from my dirty little mind of lovely thoughts.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Tiny dick man on messenger.
Guys if your dick is small why are you sending pictures of it us on facebook messenger? I mean really. Look at what this guy thought I would be turned on by.
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Time to choke
I sat kneeling facing the wall in the basement of my Mistress's home. Well not just her basement, her dungeon to be exact. No one ever came out of the basement unmolested, most of the time we had trouble walking right when we left. Behind me I could hear her tightening up the harness for her strap on. Off to the sides were her cameras sat up to stream our activities live.
"Finish your bottle of water. It's been a while since I've let you eat anything solid so I want you to have something on your stomach to throw up."
I nodded my head, "Yes Mistress". This was a tell tale sign that it was going to be a hard night for me. Raising the bottle to my lips I drank the last of it down. Then I heard her footsteps coming up behind me. Suddenly a heavy long rubber object dropped over my shoulder. It was huge and it's shape unmistakable.
"Do you know what this is?" her voice like ice.
"Yes Mistress."
"Then tell me."
"It's a giant horse cock dildo Mistress." My voice was almost a whimper as I looked down at the massive thing.
"That's right. I knew you such a slut that you would know what a horse cock looks like." I felt her hand go around my neck gently, then rubbing down my chest and in between my breasts. "This monster is going all the way down that throat of yours. I'm going to wreck your throat and watch you choke, puke and cry like a bitch. Doesn't that sound like fun little one?"
"No Mistress it does not." I knew honesty was key right now.
"Good because it's not supposed to be a good time for you. But it's going to be a rip roaring good time for me. Not to mention all the simps paying to watch it happen with their dicks in their hands." Her hand grabbed my hair and pulled me towards the center of the room to the drain. The cameras followed, she had somebody on the controls upstairs. "Hands behind your back now. Have to keep you from pushing me away as I rape your mouth."
Putting my hands back I immediately felt the snap of the handcuffs around them. No padded straps tonight, she wanted me to hurt when my body started trying to fight back. I squirmed a little, couldn't help myself, my cunny was absolutely soaking in anticipation. Then she was in front of me rubbing the head of that horse cock on my lips.
"Oh and after I turn you into a sobbing ruin this thing will become your assholes new best friend." I felt her other hand on the back of my head and I opened my mouth. She let out a laugh and started to push in as my jaws were stretched wide.
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Saturday, September 12, 2020
Thursday, September 10, 2020
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Racists jerks in Second Life
Well I will be updating this post as more racist scum continue to out themselves over on Second Life Facebook groups or in Second Life itself.
Antaras Ravenhurst
Bella Rose
Darren Price
Dawn Clemens
John Medeiros
Orpheus Desmond
Riannah Avora
Rolf Krak
Senix Petrovic
Thomas Crouse
Tranan Aiten
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Admittance is the first step
Mistress stepped out of the room leaving me in the room alone with Miss Alysa who still had her eyes trained on me. Giving a slight grin she walked towards me as I remained kneeling on the floor. Then I felt her finger on my chin moving my head upwards. She wanted to look me in the eye.
"So you are Cully's little prize aren't you? I can see why she likes you. Another beauty to add to her little lesbian family."
I blinked a bit, thinking quickly, "I'm not a real lesbian Miss, I like men as well."
"You like men to fuck you, that primal urge of being take and used, I understand that. But that's all you want them for, to fuck you." She leaned down closer to me are faces just an inch apart now. "But you love women, you are in love with your Mistress and her wife. If no man ever threw another cock up inside of you it wouldn't matter you would be perfectly happy with what you have here."
She leaned in and kissed me softly on the lips. I couldn't help but to purr a bit as I felt their softness against my own and my body shivered. As her face pulled back slowly she ran her tongue over those same soft lips and smiled.
"Yes, you would be perfectly happy without another man in your life at all. So tell me what are you again?"
I kept staring her in the eyes as tears welled up a bit, finally understanding myself a bit more than ever before. "I'm a lesbian Miss."
"Good girl, now let us see if your Mistress will loan you to me for a few very urgent minutes that I think we both need to use."
Thursday, July 9, 2020
Some random Sunstone pics
Saturday, June 6, 2020
The pick up
Finally I heard a car pull up outside and I tried to keep calm. I really enjoyed the time I had with Her so far and was a bit anxious to see how the next two weeks would go. Mistress walked up next to me and gave me a smile. "You look perfect my girl, almost wish I wasn't giving you away for a couple weeks."
"Thank you Mistress." I said while unable to hold back a smile.
Then with a ring of the doorbell she turned and swung the door open. "Oh Nina, you look wonderful. Thank you again for taking my little one in for the next few weeks."
"Oh nonsense it's going to be my pleasure Cully." They pecked a kiss on each others cheeks and then turned her attention to me. "It's going to be a great pleasure exploring just how much of my depravity she can handle."
Mistress let out a little laugh, "Oh she may surprise you. Sometimes when I've picked her up from clients I think it may be cheaper to toss her out than to clean up the mess others made on her."
Miss Nina walks up and looks me in the eyes, a smile on her face. "Oh good, this shall be a lot of fun then. Oh are these your bags girl?"
I nodded quickly, "Yes Miss Nina I am completely ready to go."
"You can leave them here, you will have a uniform once we reach my home. Actually you can just strip down completely now. No panties, shoes, nothing. Just you completely naked before your temporary Goddess with nothing but a collar and leash."
I gave a quick glance to Mistress who just smiled and gave me a nod. Then I stripped off my clothing as fast as I could. Loverboy stood up as my panties hit the floor. Mistress gave out a laugh, "Oh he is always happy to see you strip down."
"Well I'll go ahead and take her and let you two finish packing up for your trip. Be sure to send me pictures and I'll send you some back as well." they laughed a bit and exchanged kisses again. Then Miss Nina took my leash and led me out.
My jaw fell open a bit as I saw what she arrived in. A long black limo, sleek with polished chrome with small white paw prints by the door handle. Another girl dressed in a super tight chauffeur outfit nodded at us and opened the door. Nina got in first and then directed me to set in the open middle floor with Loverboy. We sat there without a word as I heard the driver get in and the engine start and we soon headed down the road.
"Rules. First off you will not use your name for the next two weeks. All girls in my home are referred to as Slut and then a number. You will be Slut 45 as I have thoroughly ruined, or am in the process of ruining 44 other little bitches before you. Second you will be sleeping in a kennel with Loveboy, since I trained him he knows that any of the sluts that are in there with him are his to fuck. But I think you will like that rule. Third you will take part in the training portions of the day, these are to help train new dogs while absolutely ruining the self worth and dignity of the girls involved. The goal is to have trained animals and completely broken bitches." She paused to look at me for a moment. My facial expression must have been a bit as she cracked a little grin. "Are you getting all of this Slut 45?"
"Yes Miss Nina, I understand completely."
"Now normally when I break a bitch I sell them overseas into the sex trade. So don't get attached to anybody at the house because eventually they will be gone forever. You are a special case, while I will still break you and pull all the pleasure I can from your lovely little body you will be returning to Cully afterwards."
I nodded slightly showing I was grateful for that. Then she leans back in her seat and undoes her skirt pulling it off. Spreading her legs and displaying me her lovely pussy once again. She then motions me to come forward and she pulls my face down between her legs. Instantly I run my tongue over her wet slit feeling the built up inside. Soon I bury my face in deeper and taste her cunny.
"Good girl. Now we have a bit of a ride before we get to my place. I will cumming all over that face of yours first. Then you will get in the floor and Loverboy will fuck you senseless just like he did the other night. I want you to walk into my home with the taste of my pussy on your lips and a dogs cum running down the insides of your legs." She moaned out as I love my attentions up a bit to her clit as my lips suckle at her. "I will admit you are very talented at pleasing with your mouth."
Rocking her hips and grinding herself up against my open mouth we head down the road.
Thursday, June 4, 2020
Late Night
"Well honey now you do remember that your Sister and I are going away for a bit. Got some special things for our Anniversary trip and all that." I nodded my head my head softly just enjoying the sound of her voice as the club was slowing down. "So I've decided to have somebody watch you while we are gone. To make sure you are properly cared for and that you don't have a lapse in judgement like last time."
"I understand Mistress." I was a bit disappointed because I had planned a little lapse in my judgement but it was nothing to big. "Who will be watching over me during that time if I may ask?"
"Oh Miss Nina was absolutely jumping at the chance to have you and Loverboy at her place during that time."
I perked up a bit more than I anticipated, "Oh really? That is good to hear."
"Well that certainly got you excited now didn't it. She did say you and her had a really good time the other night. Of course I've never met anyone who had anything but a good time with you."
"Miss Nina was... a lot of fun." I smiled wide blushing a bit. "I hope I get invited into her bed while I am there."
"Oh I'm sure you will. Now at night you will be sleeping in the kennels with Loverboy, after all we can't deprive him of his personal little pussy now can we? But with Nina's appetites I'm sure you will ravaging each other with your tongues during the day a few times."
I squirmed a bit and let out a small giggle. Mistress purred a bit herself at my excitement. Then her fingers were pushing through my hair as she pushed me back in the large seat and she was on top of me. Our lips met and soon our tongues were swirling together. Kissing her with passion and filled with lust all I could do was wiggle in excitement as she had me completely dominated within seconds. As I felt her hand between my legs and her fingers slide into my wet cunny all I could do was moan into her mouth.
Leaning my head back with a little cry of pleasure as I gasped for air. As she moved her attention to my neck biting at me gently. Her fingers deep up inside of me as her thumb rubbed against my clit. I spread my legs wide and cried out struggling to control myself. Then I heard those words, almost a growl, "Cum for me."
It was so sudden that I nearly passed out, cumming hard on those fingers as I squirted all over her hand. She held me down as I bucked against the seat. Her expert touch made me roll through multiple orgasms and left me a sweat soaked mess gasping for air. Finally she rolled off the top of me and stood looking down. Undoing her skirt and tossing it aside I lay there staring at her glistening lips.
"Now get up, time to put that tongue of yours to use while everyone watches."
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Nina gives her approval
"Well you certainly seem to have fallen for your four legged lover. Have you always been a bitch for anything that barks?" I jumped at her voice having not heard anyone come it. But then again one rule of the house was to keep the doors wide open even when being fucked. Glancing back I saw Mistress Nina sitting at my vanity with a smile across her face while wearing absolutely nothing.
"Miss.. Miss Nina! I didn't see you come in!" I blurted out as I wriggled under Loverboy as he continued to lay on top of me, knot slowly loosening up inside of me.
"I didn't want to disturb and ruin the show, I do love to watch a girl getting wrecked by one of my well trained beasts." She stood up and took a bowl off my dresser and glided up behind me. As Loverboy slid out of me she pushed up between my legs. His load always filled me so full that it squirted out afterwards... and she was determined to catch it. "Let's not let any of his seed go to waste shall we."
All I could do was nod as my lover hopped off onto the floor. Feeling a bit humiliated knowing my well bored out pussy was being examined by my owners lover. Her fingers going up the inside of my thighs as she scooped the cum running down them. Forming sentences was suddenly something I couldn't do. "I... I... oh my... Mistress Nina..."
"Come on, push it out, that's it. I want as much in this bowl as I can get." I whimpered as I strained to push more out of my well fucked pussy. Then as I got out all that I could I felt her finger running over my slit to scoop up every bit. That feeling of her touch sent a shiver down my spine. "Oh I think that's it. Sit up my little doggy slut."
I turned to sit up and suddenly she had a finger on the ring of my collar and pulled me close to her face. Then with a wide grin she leaned her head back and tipped the bowl pouring the contents into her own open mouth. Leaning back down I could see that mouth full of doggy cum and her tongue swirling around in it. "Miss Nina...."
Suddenly her lips were against mine and that load of jizz was pushed into my mouth followed by her tongue. She wrapped her arms around me and mine were around her as we kissed passionately. Passing Loverboys load back in forth in our mouths. When we pulled away we both had part of it and a lovely little streamer of spit and spunk hung from my lips to her. Then we both swallowed at the same time.
"Remember you lovely little bitch that I enjoy being mounted and fucked by dogs as well." She then pushed me back onto the bed and pushed my legs apart. Lowering her face down between my legs. "Dogs and pussy, my two favorite things."
My eyes rolled back in my head in pleasure as I felt her tongue slide over my pussy. I knew she was going to clean me out well and make me cum so many times. What even excited me even more was knowing that I would be tasting her pussy very soon as well.
Saturday, April 18, 2020
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Reign the Conqueror
Did find the full lyrics to the extended intro over on youtube though. You can watch that here. But I copy pasted them from another site to share them with you all.
Oh legend great, Oh hero of late, Don't let them trap you, use their control, Seek out a kingdom worthy of your soul. Reign over empires, tears fallen cold, Unquenchable thirst for ambition bold, With no worlds left to make all your own, Liquid and melting as the oracle told, Oh legend great, Oh hero of late, Don't let their jealousy take its cruel toll, Seek out a kingdom worthy of your soul. Torn between lovers, Ash is your prize, Fleeting youth of glory, Burning eyes. Hot blood of passion, pumping in your heart, Divine intervention as the oracle cries. Oh legend great, Oh hero of late, Don't let their jealousy take its cruel toll, Seek out a kingdom worthy of your soul. Oh legend great, Oh hero of late, Don't let their jealousy take its cruel toll, Seek out a kingdom worthy of your soul.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Private Party part one
We had been pulling each others clothes off and making each other wear what we thought would be funny or cute. Mistress was in my cheerleader skirt and matching long gloves and that was it. I was down to a pair of purple thigh highs stockings, black heels and a crop top shirt that said "Owned" across the front. My panties were in Mistress's hand and she was holding them like a prize after pulling them off of me with her teeth. Sis was fuzzy pink boots, wearing a big black strap on that was swinging around, a buttplug in her ass that had a horse tail and super tight black tube top. We looked like fools and were dancing like fools as well. All four webcams were running and we were putting on a show.
Kneeling onto a chair I lean over the back of it and kissed Sis deeply. Her tongue in my mouth our lips sealed. Then I felt something wet pouring down between my ass cheeks. A little giggle behind me as the wine ran down. Feeling my cheeks grabbed and gently parted. Then another tongue entered inside of me from behind. That wiggling sensation of it being pushed into my asshole made me shiver.
"Oh I bet your hole tastes divine." Sis says as she pulls back from our kiss. I look at her and smile as I lick my lips tasting that flavored lip stick she loves so much. She stands straight up looks down at me, "Open your mouth little birdie."
Tilting my head up, mouth wide I watch as a she lets a string of spit through her lips for me to catch. I can't help but to moan the entire time as my rear is being serviced by one of the best tongues that I have ever encountered. Then as it gets in my mouth Sis stands back up and pushes that big dildo into my mouth.
"Oh you little deepthroat queen you." She utters as that big rubber rod starts to pump into my mouth. Face fucking me rather quickly and pushing into my throat. I could help but to look up at her with love in my eyes as the tears flowed. "Get it all slobbery because I'm taking over in that ass of yours in a moment."
Mistress moaned into my twitching asshole at those words as she flicked a little faster up inside of me. Feeling her fingers now rubbing my absolutely soaking snatch. Then I feel her slip slowly out and her words are almost a purr, "Oh my girl I can't wait to taste your ass off of my wife's big rubber dick and I know you love having her use it on you."
Almost immediately that cock pushes deep in my throat, holding it there for a moment and then pulling out. Covered in slobber and slime as Sis laughs while she walks behind me. Mistress holds my cheeks apart as I get a firm slap on each cheek. Then I feel it up against my asshole, pushing in slowly, popping through my well worn ring and sliding deep inch by inch. My entire body shakes and trembles almost to the point of orgasm from the anal entry alone. Fingers rubbing around my stretched wide hole feeling the thickness that is going into me.
"Oh my little slut, I do love how much you have grown to love being fucked in the ass."
Friday, April 10, 2020
Eye of Tiger
Backside up, face in the sheets
Teased bbc, took my chances
Went to the hotel, now I'm takin his meat
Just a girl and hoping to survive
You trade your dignity for dick
Don't lose your grip they throat you so fast
You must fight for breath to stay alive
Streching out to the challenge of black cock
And the well hung alphas stalk their prey in the night
And they stuff it all in, up inside her
Pussy loose, stayin' bored out
They stand in line for our assholes to beat
On the pill and their skill we feel alive
Streching out to the challenge of the alpha
And they all cum inside her…
Sunday, April 5, 2020
New Lovers
Mistress was going over the various commands he was trained for with his trainer Mistress Nina. She trained the dogs on her own girls and they never disappointed.
"Here is a tag for her collar. Loverboy will only service someone who is wearing it." Mistress took it from Nina and bent over a bit attaching it to the front of my collar. Loverboy began panting a bit louder almost immediately. "Here is another one just in case you need to put your lovely wife in her place. Or you could wear it yourself if you get really curious... but if you do promise me that I will get to be there."
"Oh Nina, you are always so naughty." Mistress laughed.
Nina then reached inside her top a bit and pulled out the end of her necklace with a tag on it, "I think you, Thor and I would have a really good time together. Remember I was there when you girl was taken at the club, the look on your face, I could see your curiousity."
Mistress took a step forward only inches from her face, "Oh I don't know. I think I would much rather trade licks with just you."
Nina took a step forward this time and their lips met rather quickly. They kissed for a good solid minute before pulling back a little breathless. Almost immediately they began undoing their tops.
"Girl, turn around and assume the doggy position," she laughed a bit at her own words,"and pull that tiny skirt of yours up around your waist. I think my friend is going to eat my pussy while I watched."
"Damn right I am. Bet you squirt like a firehouse watching your little one getting fucked by Loverboy." Nina adds in while I turn my back to the beast, bend over and display my pussy to him. I hear a bit of a low growl as I do so.
Feeling my knees scraping on the rough concrete as a towel was never placed down. I whimper a bit knowing this was going to be rough. Watching as they leave a trail of clothing to one of the pool seats. Nina's back now bare I can see her tattoos, dog paws on her hips, "Thor's Bitch" on her upper back and a tramp stamp of a dog collar with the same tag that she wore around her neck. Mistress spread her legs and Nina went down between them without hesitation.
"Loverboy! Hard Breeding!" The command was given and I hear a deep loud bark behind me. Suddenly the weight was on me, that fur against my skin, that sudden push into my cunny. I let out a squeal and then I felt his teeth on the back of my neck, biting slightly, asserting dominance as he began to pound into me.
Deep inside my head I wanted to scream in humiliation... but then another part of me realized just how much I was going to enjoy this.
Monday, March 30, 2020
Sis works me over
Gina's voice was on the verge on laughter and I almost didn't want to turn around. But I did. There she was standing side wise to me wearing nothing but a strap on. But it wasn't a normal strap on, it was a rather large rubber dog dick. She grinned and bounced her hips a bit so the big rubber doggie wanker bounced up and down. I couldn't help but to laugh myself, "Oh Lord Sis, you're a mess. I was getting ready to go to bed."
"Well maybe after I fuck you for a while.", her grin was wide and her face was flushed. She was horny as hell.
"I thought Mistress would have been taking care of you tonight."
"She celebrated a bit and had to much wine. She passed out when she came as I was eating her out. Now I want to fuck someone... and eat her out... then have her eat me out... maybe eat her out again." she walked towards the bed a bit wobbly. Evidently Mistress wasn't the only drinking quite a bit tonight. But I was already biting my lip in anticipation.
Double Escort Date part three
"Damn I like the sound of them. Little sub bitches do like to be fucked don't they?", the bald one called out.
"Fuck not gonna last long in his ass." blonde gives a grunt. Pushing Josey forward and I get a view of that rock hard erection slide out of him. Then without hesitation he angles it down and pushes it straight into my open mouth. "There taste your friends asshole for a minute."
I lick and suck at him, tasting the lube first and then a hint of asshole flavor mixed into it. Purring as I feel that cock exit my cunny. "Oh you have to try this bitches little snatch, she's creamy as hell and clenches up like crazy. But I'm ready for a bit of that little faggots ass right now."
"Yeah I may just cream pie that cunt. You like that idea slut?" He looked down at me while my mouth was full of his dick. "Gonna dump this nut in your baby maker most likely."
Sliding out of my mouth he pulls me to the edge of the bed a bit and tosses my legs up on his shoulder. Grinning wide as he slides into my soaking and already well fucked snatch. I let out a satisfying moan as his thickness stretches me a bit more than the bald mans cock. Then suddenly Josey's face is over mine his eyes wide and mouth hanging open as his ass is plowed. Reaching up with both arms I pull him down to me and my tongue slides into his mouth.
Moaning into each other as my pussy was wrecked without mercy and his asshole was hammered open. I could feel every rock hard inch pumping into me and then suddenly he held himself inside and let out a guttural moan as he shot his load into me. "Fuck yeah bitch... cummin' in that cunt... cummin' in you hard." he growled as he pumped a few more times making sure he got every drop into me.
I heard a loud hand slap on Josey's ass and he winced a bit. "Don't worry little fag, I'm still a long way from droppin' my load."
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Humiliation On Display
She had took the stockings I had worn at the club when the dogs were allowed to take me one after the other and sealed them a glass frame. Didn't bother to clean them so you could see the smears and caked on remains of multiple loads of cum that leaked out of me. Along with the tear marks from the claws of the animals. Below it were nine pictures that were taken that day during the event. Me squirting on the floor when I came caught perfectly, me making out and sucking on the tongue of the dog humping me, a close up of a dogs knot stretching my pussy open wide. In the center of that was a flat screen television with a touch screen activation so anyone could walk up and watch the entire encounter instantly.
"Oh I think this looks wonderful don't you Gina dear?" Mistress said as she stood back to admire their handiwork.
"Yes my wife it looks perfect. Showcasing your little slut as a straight up dog lover was really a good idea.", Sis turned and looked at me, "Why didn't you tell me doggies made you cum like that sis?"
Mistress turned with a grin waiting for my answer and I could barely spit out any words, "I... I didn't know... they would."
"But they did, you popped on the first dog. Squirted all over that stage. Turned into a drooling little slut in a matter of minutes. Not to mention what the other two did to you." Mistress was staring me down the entire time she spoke. But there was a grin on her face, she was enjoying my humiliation so much. "Next time she's getting a few mouthfuls of dog cum because she's going to be sucking them off. Can't wait to add that video to the collection."
"Well Sis always did say she was talented cocksucker didn't she?"
"Yes and she'll get to prove that in a most spectacular fashion. Can't wait to see her swallow all of that down over and over again. Now enough of that we have a party here tonight to finish preparing for. I'm just glad that all of our guests will be able to see my little one turned into a bitch on the screen here."
I glanced up a bit more worried now. "Party? Here? Tonight?"
"Oh I didn't tell you? Yes a party for all our friends. You'll be hooked to a post right here in front of your display so you can watch everyone's reaction when they see your little doggie fuck fest. Mistress Nina said she may even bring her Great Dane along, so you might get to put on a live display for everyone. Isn't that wonderful?" Her voice was extremely cheerful but touched with a sting of malice at the same time.
"Yes Mistress... wonderful... " I whimpered out.
"Oh don't worry Sis, I'll be sure to have my camera ready to catch all of the action!"
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Double Escort Date part two
"Switch up bitches!" the blonde yelled out as he pushed me off of him a thick streamer of throat slime hanging from my mouth to his tip. So Josey and I crawled past each other, flashing a grin as we did so, to the john the other had been working on. Taking those now slobbered covered dicks into our mouths.
"Natural born cocksuckers." The bald guy said as his hand grabbed the back of my head. Taking a bit more control of me as he pushed his dick deep down my throat. Gagging on him now as he ran it in and out at a faster pace. My eyes teared up a bit from my gag reflex as I looked up at him. He took another drink from his glass with his free hand as he grinned down at me.
"This little boy does throat just like a girl." I heard behind me along with the wet sloppy gagging noises of a face fucking in action. "Gonna get nasty with these two whores tonight."
"Let's just get nasty right now.", the bald guy laughed a bit as he pushed me back off of his cock. I stared at it with a smile on my face as I gasped for air. That thick hairy dick waving in front of me. "I know you were loving sucking me off but I want to watch you eat my friends ass while he gets sucked off."
I licked my lips and turned and crawled over to the blonde guy. He shifted a bit so his rear was towards me and he put one leg up on the bed. He turned slapped his ass cheek with one hand while his other kept pulling Josey down on his cock over and over. Reaching up and grabbing both those cheeks with my hands I spread them apart and quickly pushed my face in between them. Running my tongue up along that crack until a few times before stopping at his tight little asshole. Then I swirled my tongue all around and on it slurping the entire time.
The moan of a doing a job well done from the john made me grin as I ate that dirty hole. I could feel it opening easily for my tongue, this was a man who was used to having his asshole used. Then I felt my hair tugged as the bald man pulled my head back and he leaned down to my face, "Let me taste my friends asshole on those lips of yours."
He kissed me with eagerness I was not expecting his tongue in my mouth almost instantly. Then as we made out I glanced over and watched him run two of his fingers up his friends slobber slick asshole. A sound of pleasure was the only reaction he made to that insertion as he kept pumping Josey's mouth with his cock. After a few quick pumps his fingers slide back out an he pushes them in between our lips so we can both lick them clean.
"Love it when the bitches are just as nasty as us." I heard the blond say. Then he pushed Josey back off of him and spun him around. "Time for me to get a piece of this tight little ass."
We watched together our kissing stopped. As the blonde man lifted that skirt up over that pert little ass. His hand was under my skirt, fingers against my cunny giving it a soft gentle rub. Seeing that lube drip onto that ready butthole and then that big cock push up against that hole. Then the thrust in, a hard push, popping him wide open making him squeal in delight. "God that feels good. Time to make this gay boy make some gay noise."
As the pounding begins I feel those fingers slip inside my pussy and his voice growling with lust in my ear. "Seeing that made your pussy soaking wet, just like it made my cock rock hard. Let's put you where you can watch while I ruin that baby maker of yours."
He tossed me onto my back on the bed and slid me up between their legs. Right in front of me just an inch or two away. That dick hammering into his ass and that caged cocklet brushing up against my forehead. It was a sight to behold. Then suddenly I felt my legs spread apart and that swollen cock head against my lips, then pushing inside. My eyes rolled back in ecstasy as he stretched me open.
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Double Escort Date part one
"You're still with Master Joseph aren't you?", hoping to get a bit of small talk going.
"Oh yes I am. You are with Mistress Cully right?"
I nodded my head and looked over at him with a grin. "I think we look really cute in our outfits, the customers are sure to love us."
"I hope so. Master has taught me well... even bought me nice jewelry. See!" he reaches down and pulls his skirt up so I can see. His rather tiny little cock, all secure in a cock cage that looked to be made of silver and a lock of gold. "He spoils me so much."
"Oh that is so pretty...." my words are interrupted by the elevator bell as the doors open up. Josey drops his skirt back down and we step inside.
Once inside the elevator I hit the button to the top floor and we started our ascent. Then Josey looked over at me and bit her lower lip for a moment. Suddenly he was right up against me and his mouth went to mine. Wrapping my arms around him tightly we made out all the way to the floor we were going to our tongues swirling together. As the doors opened we parted and saw that an elderly couple has seen us.
"Don't worry, we're not gay. I'm a boy see!" Josey said with a laugh as he pulled up the front of his skirt showing them his little cock locked away in that pretty little cage. Then blowing them a kiss we walked past hand in hand as their mouths hung open in a bit of shock.
We giggled down the hallway as we made our way to the room. Knocking on the door and waiting our hands still together. Then as we heard the handle turning he leaned in and nibbled at my ear making me laugh a bit more as the door opened.
"Oh you two are a perfect pair." The blonde man was standing there already naked watching us his thick manhood hanging ready, "Get those sweet little bodies in here."
As we entered the other man with a clean shaved head sat in chair, also quite naked, with a drink in one hand and his erect dick in the other. "Oh damn, I can't wait to fuck the hell out of you both. You, over here now, let me have a look at you."
Josey walked over as the man sat down his drink. Then his hands were all over him, feeling that pert ass, flat breasts, that caged up cock. He moaned out his approval of his purchase. At the same time the blonde man was running his hands up under my top and squeezing my breasts. I let a soft whimper of desire and then his hand went up under my skirt to my soft moist mound. Then his fingers slid in between my ass cheeks and he felt my butthole.
"Oh yes no buttplugs just like we said."
"Yeah we don't like that 'ready for anal' approach. We enjoy stretching you open ourselves."
With a little tug he spun me around and looked into my eyes and then pushed me down to my knees. Rubbing his cock on my face as he hardened up. Then as I opened my mouth he slid himself inside, I could feel him harden up as my tongue swirled and I began sucking. I heard Josey behind me slurping as his mouth was filled as well.
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Chat log from 2017
Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Secret Show Part 3
Suddenly his tongue went from my neck up to the side of my face and my ear. Losing control I came again. The crowd cheered more, Mistress continued to stare straight at me.
This dog wasn't so quick as the last one. He just kept plowing away into me while licking the entire time as his knot was firmly inside of me. A hand reached down and grabbed my hair, one of the handlers I guess, and turned my head sideways. "Mouth open, tongue out."
I obeyed the order being to lost in the moment and humiliation to do anything else. In a second that slobbery tongue was now lapping into my mouth. The audience loved it and I began licking at his tongue right back. Applause filled the room along with the chant 'Broke the bitch' over and over again as I basically made out with my canine Dominate while being fucked.
Rolling through multiple orgasms as I felt his knot swell inside of me stretching me wider still. Then the dog raised it's head up and gave a broken howl and I could feel myself being flooded with cum. My head dropped down as my entire body shook and trembled. In just a few seconds he dismounted me pulling that swollen member from my sore cunny.
Then I felt the restraints being undone lock by lock. But I was kept down on all fours by a handler who held onto a handful of my hair. Once I was free he pulled me around a bit and pushed my face down at the floor where the dog jizz and my own squirt had sprayed and run out onto.
"Lick it up you little slut." Mistresses voice above me and without a pause I leaned my head down and began lapping up the nasty mess. The crowd let out an applause as I slurped and sucked it all up off the floor. Then I felt my collar being redone with the regular leash that I wear. "Show your ruined pussy to the audience now."
Twisting around I sat back looking a the dark shapes in the crowd and spread my legs wide. My pussy red, sore and dripping with dog cum. Then with a tug on my leash I was pulled to my feet as I looked down at myself. Thick gooey streams still stuck all down the insides of my thighs, the stockings were torn and ripped a little from the clawing that I didn't even notice until now. Then with a final round of cheers from the crowd I was led to the back room again.
"Well Miss Ventris it looks like I won our little bet. She came on the first dog just like I said she would." A mans voice from behind me.
"Yes Rocky she did. She should no better than to cum without my permission, but the little fuck meat couldn't help herself." My heart sank in disappointment.
"Yes but I do get the rewards. We get her for two more shows." He walks around to the front of me and raises my chin with his fingers. "Look at you, all tears. Well I can't wait to see you taking those beasts filthy cocks in your mouth next time."
Mistress led me away as he laughed.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
The Secret Show part two
Then it just started in on me, hard and fast. I looked up, already crying, straight into the eyes of my Mistress. She was watching me, a sly grin on her face and her eyes wide, watching the spectacle of seeing her little whore getting fucked by a dog. The crowd was clapping already, applauding my humiliation and degradation for their pleasure. My soul felt like it was leaving my body because, in all honesty, the way the dog was inside of me felt good.
It's head was on my shoulder, growling, panting and dripping slobber down my neck. The feeling of him up against me was a distinct feeling that I had never experienced, fur against skin. Then his dick pumping into with a speed that was quite unreal. My body was betraying me, as I gasped for breath while whimpering and crying in front of everyone I was also on the verge of cumming myself.
Feeling that swell inside of me, the base of his cock growing in size and being trapped in my pussy. There was a sudden rush of heat deep up inside as the dog came... and so did I at the same time. My body trembled and shook as I was seeded by an animal. Crying through my own orgasm as I felt that cock pull out of me, the swollen stretching and stinging my cunny. I squirted everywhere as that canine spunk ran out of me onto the floor.
I looked into he eyes of my Mistress again. There was a look of shock and surprise on her face as the crowd erupted in cheers. Still trembling as the dog was led away from it's bitch. I was completely spent and exhausted by this encounter. Wanting nothing more to be home and safe once again.
Then I heard the command again. A second dog now climbs up onto my back to mount me.
Have a kink you would like to see covered in a future story? Something you want to see more of?
Let me know in the comments and I'll get my dirty little mind to work on it.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
The secret show part one
Well it was cold considering that she was only letting me wear heels, a garter and stockings tonight. Giving a shiver as I followed her to a set of doors I calmly spoke to her while trying not to shiver. "I certainly hope so Mistress. By the way, what am I going to be doing tonight if I may ask?"
She turned to me with that mischievous smile of hers, "Well, you are getting fucked of course. Although tonight there will be an audience watching. Oh you will be bound as well. On all fours, spreader bar, elbows on the floor and locked as well. No bindings that you haven't seen in my basement."
I walked behind her as we approached the doors and I could see various video cameras all around. Without even stopping the doors opened and a tall man in a suit let us in. Soon we were walking down hallways and I saw other men, all staring at me with grins. I wondered if these were those who will be using me tomorrow. Finally though I thought to ask a bit more, "An audience Mistress?"
"Yes. This is a very exclusive club, very secretive, and they are paying me very well for you tonight." We came to a stop at another door and another man stood there checking his watch and motioning for us to wait. "Now what happens to you on the other side of this door you cannot stop, there are no safewords. But trust me my little darling slut you will be quite safe and I will be watching the entire time."
Soon the man stepped aside and opened the door. I was led inside onto one side of a stage which was well let, unlike the seating around it which was cloaked in darkness. Barely I could make the outline of people, several people out there watching me. Mistress led me to the center of the stage where I was to be bound at. "Turn around face the door you came in, your... heh... lovers will be coming in through the other door and you won't see them until they take you."
Soon I was down on the floor, legs spread and locked open by a spreader bar. A short leash hooked to the floor kept my head low and my arms were bound at the elbows to the floor. Written on the stage directly below my head was a little shiny plaque with a single sentence on it 'If you can read this then you are about to become a true bitch'. Mistress took a seat where she would be facing straight at me but no in the audience, she wanted us to see each other while this was going on.
Then I hear the door behind me open up and everyone is locked in rapt attention. The facial expression on Mistress even changes quite a bit. I wiggle in the bindings a bit as I hear footsteps and something else coming up behind me. Then I hear the panting and my heart sinks. Twisting around a bit I look behind me and coming up on my rear on a leash of it's own is a rather large brown dog. Looking back ahead of me again I can see her in rapt attention, like she is getting ready to see something of greatness happen before her. Glancing back down at the plaque I realize that it's true, I'm about to become a bitch, a dogs bitch.
Have a kink you would like to see covered in a future story? Something you want to see more of?
Let me know in the comments and I'll get my dirty little mind to work on it.