Friday, May 4, 2012

Monkey Wonder continues his usual attacks on GreenZone. While I have three or four blog posts in the works covering various claims of his or some the web that surrounds him I decided to make a quick look at the one he made today. Over on his new blog he said that Green Zone griefer bots were cheating traffic in some areas. First let me give you a link to his post:

Monkeys so called griefer blog.

First off don't worry about commenting there. He is so afraid of having his absolute bull crap claims proved false that he won't let comments through. Now he claims that green zone is using bots to help cheat for traffic. Evidently he isn't a very smart one this because a lot of bot makers actually have their bots join an open group or two when they are made. This way they look less like a bot and more like a possible normal avatar. So just because some of these have signed up to the Green Zone group that must mean we support this....

Exactly. But what is funny is that one of them that he mentioned doesn't have Green Zone listed in as its groups but has another one listed instead. One that made me laugh quite a bit when I saw it. Here is the screenshot of that profile.

Yes a bot is actually in his Voodoo Antibot group. So I guess he needs to blacklist his own group then. Also his group is and open group that anyone can join even though he likes to claim people 'force' their way into it. Guess he can't handle the truth of that situation very well.

Anyways I decided to go and take a look for myself. So I searched up the region and teleported there. First thing off the bat that I noticed was that my Green Zone hud started telling me that Voodoo Antibot was running in the region. Imagine that, an area where he says we are cheating traffic is actually using his product. So then I popped up the radar and went looking for this group of bots. I found them at a completely different level than his shot showed, not only that they were all invisible even when I was right next to them in the air.

So how did he get that shot? Why were they all someplace else? Why are they here when the region is supposedly protected by his own service? Also, as somebody over on SLU pointed out, why in that original shot is his Linden dollar balance at an absolute zero? Everybody I know runs around at least with a hand full of Lindens in the pockets. Maybe he was using a bot of his own, even those are supposed to be so bad.

So it looks like a set up shot. A really bad set up to 'frame' Green Zone for having a few bots that happened to join their group. Well try again Monkey Wonder you may eventually do something right but today wasn't it.


  1. >Yes a bot is actually in his Voodoo Antibot group.

    I wouldn't be surprised if they added the bot to his group after he harassed them about having bots.

    >So how did he get that shot? Why were they all someplace else?

    Look at the height in your screenshot. Look at the height in his screenshot. Even though your radar says they should be right by you, they were actually at 3501. I'm guessing the reason for this is because LL changed how CoarseLocationUpdates were sent out for avatars above 1024m so that they didn't appear to be below you on the minimap when you were at ground level. Now instead of sending out a height of 0, it sends out a height of 1023 for avatars above 1024 meters (since height is represented by an unsigned byte with a granularity of 4m.)

    >Why are they here when the region is supposedly protected by his own service?

    Doesn't his antibot system have a mode where it only notifies you if there's bots in the region without automatically banning them?

    Also, does the Greenzone HUD flag Voodoo Sploders as Voodoo Antibot systems (I'm guessing they have some logging system in them too?) I just looked at that region, and there was a club in it, could the HUD have detected a sploder instead of his antibot system?

    If there was a Voodoo Sploder with a system that logged instances of large clusters of people high in the air, then that would explain how he knew the bots were there in the first place.

    >why in that original shot is his Linden dollar balance at an absolute zero?

    Maybe he was on an alt, maybe it was a screenshot sent to him by one of his "employees", maybe he cashes out regularly and he doesn't buy much on SL, I don't see how it's relevant.

    >So it looks like a set up shot. A really bad set up to 'frame' Green Zone for having a few bots that happened to join their group. Well try again Monkey Wonder you may eventually do something right but today wasn't it.

    He's obviously misrepresenting the situation, but looking over what both you and he have posted, I don't think it was a set up. I'm invoking Hanlon's Razor.

  2. >I wouldn't be surprised if they added the bot to his group after he harassed them about having bots.

    True but they must have done it pretty quickly I checked the place profiles of those he named as soon as I read his tweet about this.

    >the height

    Wasn't aware that LL had messed up a radars ability to tell the height of avatars within range. Later I'll have a couple friends pop over to my Mistress's sim and take different heights in the air to test this out.

    >GZ detecting sploders

    Well it was showing up as detecting voodoo anitbot. I've never been to a place that uses a voodoo sploder. Actually I've only ever encountered a voodoo system of any sort once before.

    >on an alt

    It's relevant that he is seems to enjoy calling out others for using alt to get around things and to do stuff without gaining notice. So for him to be doing the same is pretty hypocritical of him.

    >misrepresenting the situation

    Okay but here are a few other things to consider now that some others have viewed the picture.

    One of the 'bots' is showing a viewer tag. This is currently against the rules of Linden Lab. All viewers are no longer supposed to display what viewers they are using. I think they even put in a fix at the code level to cover this. So is this an old picture instead of just a few days? Is he using some sort of hacked viewer that is breaking some of the new Linden Lab rules? Did the person capture themselves in the screenshot and if so why is it showing a V3 control set up and reading as Phoenix?

    This picture is getting fishier and fishier by the moment.
