Tales from Second Life, dirty stories I've wrote and other internet musings. All pouring from my dirty little mind of lovely thoughts.

Sunday, May 26, 2013
Two off the friends list...
Strange how things change in the virtual world. Things happen at a higher rate of speed with less affect and almost zero notification.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Latest hair I bought this time from (red)Mint
Found a new hair maker that I like. Picked up a few demo's and have bought one so far. (red)Mint has some rather unique styles in the hair category and I foresee myself buying a few more over the next few weeks. Below is a shot of the one I've bought so far.
I'm still looking for more short cut hair styles. They seem to be a rarity inworld as people like the long hair, ponytails and such. Although Mistress likes it when I have a ponytail for her to grab on and yank while she... oh wait... that's not what I'm posting about this time. Anyways I really like their hair and they have plenty of other items that I'll be looking at as well. Below is a link to their Marketplace section HOWEVER I strongly suggest finding their store inworld. Actually I suggest shopping inworld as much as possible, helping their traffic rating, more Linden dollars go in their pockets, etc. That and I'm tired of shopping in empty stores. So look them up on search and tp there please.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Finding me other places
But until then you can find my random small talk ramblings and a few shared articles and pics on various social media. Y'know if any of you are interested.
On facebook and Google+ you can find me as Potosi Abonwood under a name search. On Twitter I'm @PotosiAbonwood.
So you can friend, circle, follow, whatever me if you wish.