Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Kong vs

 The pictures you find on the internet when you're pages deep into god knows where and pornhub has gotten boring. 

Monday, March 3, 2025

When I was a whore


"Look the whore is leaving a snail trail!" I heard a voice behind me followed by several men laughing.

I was crawling my way to the bathroom after they had thoroughly wrecked me for hours on end. Sore wouldn't even begin to cover what I was feeling, my insides hurt, my asshole and pussy burned and were stinging. Even my jaw ached. Glancing back to see what they were talking about I could see what was happening. Their cum was leaking out of both my holes, down the insides of my legs and onto the floor. You could see the trail from the bed to where I was.

"Damn that's some real nasty slut shit right there!"

"I ain't never seen that before, fuck where is my phone I got to get a picture of this!"

I kept crawling, I heard the clicks as they took shots of me, probably video as well. Never had that many guys at once, and these were some horny ass hung black men to boot. They kept laughing as they got dressed. 

Making my way into the hotel bathroom I managed to get myself up on the toilet. Could feel myself draining out. Then glanced at the mirror and saw my face. I looked like a racoon with my mascara smeared and running all over, cum still splattered and my hair just an absolute mess. 

One of the men walked in on me and was holding his dick in his hand. He just grinned a little "Hey whore, you got some jizz on your face, let me help you.". Then suddenly he sprayed my face with piss. By sheer instinct I jerked back in shock but knew better than to stay that way. Quickly I leaned into the stream with my mouth open for him to fill it up. He soaked down my face and hair and then shook a few drops off in the floor. "Fuckin' toilet is opened for business before you leave guys."

Then they started coming in one by one. Cameras out in one hand, their cocks in the other. Draining their bladders on me while calling me a toilet and any other vile thing that came to their mind. Leaving me soaked sitting on the toilet with the floor around me completely soaked in piss. 

Finally I heard them all leave and I just sat there. Everything still hurt. All I could smell was piss. 

I cried. Because this was my life now. 

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Nina's Training Camp Part Two


The sleeping arrangement for the new trainees was simple, one that I remembered very well and will be doing again with these girls. We sleep in a chain link fenced in kennel with a selected trainer dog. There is a bucket for a toilet in the corner, a couple of worn out blankets and a bowl of water that is mounted to the floor. 

There are reasons for everything. The chain link and design is to make sure they know they are nothing special and are regarded as animals. Using a bucket as a toilet is a dehumanizing factor so they don't start thinking to highly of themselves. Those blankets aren't very warm and encourages the new bitch to snuggle up closer to their new lover for warmth. That bolted down water bowl is to force them to have to lap up water just like a dog, because that's what they are for the training, just another bitch. All of them are locked shut with a heavy padlock, except mine because I've earned that right. I also have all the keys to their locks around my neck. Just so they'll hate me when I won't help them. 

It's a lot of fun that. 

Also if at any point in the night their new mate wants to fuck them they have to allow it. If they resist I call for a guard who then pokes them through the fence with what is basically a cattle prod. A few shocks and they're more than ready to get that doggy bone in them.

One girl, Heidi is her name I think, Miss Nina put a collar on her that says 'crybaby bitch' so that's what we call her. Well she is the one who handled the opening initiation fuck the worst. Broke down in tears and sobbed for hours. Miss Nina paired her up with 'Big Stan' a very aggressive breed that is part Great Dane and he's called 'Big' not because of his physical size but because of his massive dog dick. Some hate that about him, I love it, LOVE it. But he's also the most horny of all the trainers. So all night he kept mounting her over and over again. The tears, the trauma, the growling. It made me horny as hell and I kept getting Loverboy all bothered so he would fuck me some more as well. 

Another girl got collared with the "stupid bitch" collar for talking back, refusing to do anything and just being a general pain in the ass to Miss. That collar has a shock setting on it. Personally I love that shock setting, but this girl did not. But she started to learn to shut up when it got near bedtime. 

The next morning I unlocked their doors and Miss had them all line up. Crybaby Bitch looked the worst of them with very little sleep and most likely a very sore pussy. Their new mates were taken away and they were given the proper cleaning supplies and were told to get to work on their kennels while I watched them. After they finished they had to clean mine, which I had made sure to accidently piss in the floor a bit. 

They hate me. I love it. But that's why I have a collar that says "Privileged Bitch" in bright gold letters. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Nina's training camp part one

 I sat at Miss Nina's feet, a bit chilly as I was completely naked except for my collar and my little schoolgirl shoes that she thought were cute on me. She was like a goddess, wrapped in leather, riding crop in hand, and smiling from ear to ear. 

In front of us were the four new girls. All of which were sent here by their owners for either special training or as punishment for being disobedient. Each was tied to rings fitted into the floor, their legs spread with bars and hands bound. 

And they were all crying so wonderfully. 

None of them were told what was going to happen. They were just bound in position and left by their master or mistress and told they were going to be here for a full month. The sobbing and panic sat in when Miss Nina had the dogs brought out. Some of her best trained, largest in girth and long lasting. Her pride and joy of trained girl fucking dogs. 

Within moments they were all mounted by the beasts. There were screams, there was begging, there was anger. All they got in return was Miss Nina's laugh and a dog dick up inside of them. Now they've been humping away for a good solid two minutes and they had all just hit the level of despair to where they crying and cumming against their will. 

"I was there that first night you were made a bitch by some of my best trained. You were crying as well." She finally spoke as we watched the spectacle. 

"That was the most depraved and degrading moment of my life."

"Yet here you are, happy to take a doggy in your little slutty cunt."

I smiled, "I saw the depravity, and felt how it changed me inside, so I dived in willingly. I wanted more."

I felt her hand slide over my shoulder as she bent over a bit, then it caressed my left breast and squeezed softly. "This is why I adore you my little Potosi, and why I bought you from Cully when her company failed. I was eager to attain you as a prize slut in my collection." She then pointed to the girls on the floor and nodded at me. 

Standing up I walked over to them smiling ear to ear. "Alright you little cunts, turn your heads to the side and open your mouths. These new lovers of yours do enjoy lapping that tongue against yours." The whimpers and sobbing increased, two obeyed, Miss Nina walked forward with the crop to encourage the other two. 

Sunday, December 8, 2024

First Meetings part 2

 The swinger party at the hotel was in full gear as we left the pool. People were dancing, making out and straight out fucking all over the place. It was a wonderful sight to be in the middle of. The three of us were bare assed naked carrying our bikini's as we made our way from the pool area to the elevator. 

"That's an odd name. Potosi. Never heard of that one before. It a family name or something?" The blonde asked me as we walked. 

"I was named after the city my grandmother grew up in in South America." 

"Before we get to the room," Gina was asking now, "How do you feel about strapons?"

"Yes please." I say with a laugh as I glance over at the blonde to see her reaction. She was smiling, but with a whole lot behind that smile and her eyes. Suddenly I felt like the prey and she was a predator hunting for her next meal. My legs got a bit weak and my heart sped up even more. "So, am I ever going to get the pleasure of your name?"

"Cully. But I prefer to be called Miss, or Mistress if I'm telling you what to do." Those eyes, were burning straight into me. She had me, hook line and sinker, she had me. "Now how do you feel about men?"

"Oh, I don't mind a good dick or two."

"Just their dicks? No opinion on them overall?"

"Well men are temporary, a momentary fix for taming my lust. Women on the other hand, we understand how to make love to each as well as just flat out fucking." We step into the elevator mid sentence as Miss hits the button for our floor. In the corner a naked older guy smiles and nods at us while red headed young lady sucks his cock.

"Yeah I think she's going to fit in well with us tonight my dear. See I did find a really good one this time." Gina says as she reaches down and puts her hand on the back of the red haired girls head, pushing her back and forth on that old dick a little faster. 

"Maybe, my love, maybe. Just one more little question. How do you feel about the whole dominate and submissive relationship and sex thing? Are you into that?" Her voice fell completely flat at the end. Making sure she got her point across that it was an important question and my answer determined just what the night would bring.

"I'm submissive down to my bones. Mistress."

She grinned from ear to ear. The man in the corner let out a grunt as he came in the girls mouth as she choked and gagged as Gina kept her head pushed onto him. The elevator dinged as it opened.

"Now that's a good answer little slut. You're going to be spending a long night taking care of me and my wife." As we walked out onto the floor I felt much more like I was being led than ever before. Leaving the old man and his young girl as she swallowed down his spunk. 

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Blowing Black

 "Damn white girl you look fine." That was his opening line. A black man around fifty dressed in work clothes looking over at me, 16 in a skirt and tight top with my belly showing. "They didn't build them like you when I was young."

He was leaning up against his pickup in the 7-11 parking lot, just casually drinking a beer in the open. I was walking out with a slurpie. I couldn't help but to tease back a little. "Well they did, but they were probably busy fooling around with older men."

"Is that what you like to do?" He says as he looks me up and down as I start to walk over towards him. Bobbing my head to the side a bit so my ponytails bounce a little. "Fool around with older men?".

"Well I'm a good girl, so maybe not."

He smiles and reaches over into the back of the truck and pulls out a beer and holds it out to me, "So do you like to be a little bit bad at least?"

I return his smile with a little grin as I take the beer and pop it open. Drinking down a few swallows I pretend that I don't actually like the taste. "Nothing wrong with a little bit to drink I suppose."

"Why don't we drive around a bit so nobody sees me giving you a couple of beers." He opens the door and gestures for me to get inside. Warning bells were going off in my head to not do this but they were also the same bells that whenever I ignored them I had a really good time. So I climbed right in and giggled a bit as I felt his hand brush up against my ass as I did so.

"I better get another beer for that wandering hand of yours."

Smiling wide he hands me another as he climbs in and tosses the open twelve pack between us. "You can have all you want little thing. I won't stop you."

Drinking down the first and then second can as quickly as I could a third was popped open for me an handed over. We drove around to some bad sections of the city until we were in a parking lot behind and abandoned building surrounded by overgrown brush and trees. I was on my fourth when he opened the door and asked me to step out. "I guess nobody will be seeing me drinking here."

"Yeah. An they won't be seeing you sucking my dick either sweetheart." He reached into the back and through a pair of dirty overalls onto the ground. "That's so you don't scrape up your little white knees while you're choking on..."

He stops suddenly mid line when I drop down and quickly reach up and start undoing his belt buckle. Wanting to get his fly open as quick as possible. All he did was laugh lean back up against the truck and let me take care of things. "I didn't figure you for the eager cocksucker girl."

Looking up at him with a wide smile I pulled down his pants and underwear. That black cock already starting to get hard popped out into my face. While I was hoping for big, this was bigger than I ever had. I leaned in feeling the heat and weight of it against my face. Then kissing his swollen hanging balls and up his shaft to the tip of his cockhead. "My lucky night."

Here is another little tale from my youth as a dumb girl living in LA during my teens. 

There was a loud moan from him as he slid in between my lips and into my warm wet mouth. I could taste him already, precum and sweat. I squirmed a bit as my pussy went soaking wet. "Oh fuck white girl, you must get dick hungry when you drink."

I looked up at him, his old grinning face, making eye contact and holding it. Then bobbing my head back and forth, covering his big black cock with more of my spit each time as I took it deeper and deeper. He was rock hard so quick, his girth pushing my mouth open wide. "Let me help you get that all the way down."

Suddenly his hands were grabbing my head and pushing me down even more. I felt hit head pop into my throat. I pushed my hands behind my back and held them there so I wouldn't grab his legs to stop him. Then he started pumping into my throat and letting out a growl as he did so. My blowjob just got turned into a throat fuck... and I had never been so turned on.

After a few second though my gag reflex could be held back no longer. Quickly I moved my arms back out and pushed myself away. He let go laughing knowing what was about to happen. I turned my head and puked all over the ground, beer and slurpie. He watches and pulls his work pants and boots off, now naked from the waste down and grabs my head and pushes his dick back into my mouth. "Messy little white slut. You don't get to stop next time."

I could barely even catch a breath as his thick cock rammed down my throat again and again. He slapped my face a couple times and then I lost control once more. But this time he dug his fingers in my head and wouldn't let me pull back. Vomit sprayed from the corners of my mouth and out my nose, all over him and my own face. He pushed my head back and let me spit some of it out as he wiped his puke covered cock on my face a couple times, then it was back down my throat.

This went on for ten or more minutes, but seemed like an eternity. Soon into it I had nothing more in my stomach to come up. So dry heaving as tears streamed down my face was all I could do. He just kept going. Finally he pulls out and steps back a bit. "Damn girl, about got me to nut in your mouth. Little trashy bitch."

Then he pushed me down onto all fours. My hands slipping in the puke and slobber pooled under me. Slapping my ass a few times he pulls my skirt up and tugs my wet panties aside. Then he kneeled down and felt his tongue slide over my pussy lips, I lost control and came just at that little touch, squirting all over the ground. "Oh you ready, your cunt can't wait for this dick. You so ready."

Then I felt him press his rock hard block cock up against my little white pussy. All I could do was let out a squeal as I felt it pop inside of me.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

First meetings


I was so in my element. 

A bit drunk on my knees by the hotel pool at night, bikini on the ground and my face buried deep between the thighs of a beautiful black woman. Those long luscious legs spread wide apart so I could get in nice and easy. She wouldn't let me stop even after she came at least twice and squirted all over my face once. Her juices were smeared all over my face and my own were dripping down the insides of my thighs. She just kept me pulled in grinding that pussy.

"Well it looks like you found yourself a little snatch eater my dear." The voice was behind me, very close, I was to lost in that cunny to notice anyone walking up. I didn't bother to stop. "Tell me what is this one's name?"

She slowed down her grinding and lifted my head up just a bit so I could look up at her through my smeared up still dripping wet glasses, but my tongue still lapping her clit. With a little laugh and a big smile she replied, "I do not know the name of this girl."

"Why doesn't that surprise me at all." The other woman says with a sigh, then I feel her hand in my hair as she pulls my head back so I look up her now. Little streamers of spit hanging from my face and lips to the black cunny I had fallen for. Blond, blue eyed, beautiful slightly tanned skin, wearing a black bikini. "So do you know the name of the girl who's pussy your burying your face into?"

I can't but grin a little as I lick my lips, "No, Miss, I do not know her name."

"Good God, you found one just as slutty as yourself my darling." Her hand hand slides from my hair and over to the side of my face as she kneels down low next to me. Pointing at my current tasty treat and getting down low to my ear, "This, you little slut, is my wife Gina."

"I would have married her also, her pussy is absolutely wonderful.". I keep my eye contact with the girl whose name I now know and give her a wink, "Now I'm starting to wonder how good yours is if you landed an absolute doll like her."

"Oh my, she's good. I think she's a little brat. But she's really good." She stands back up and pull the strings at her thighs that were holding the bikini bottom in place, letting it drop to the ground. Then she straddles the delightful Gina and pushes her rear to my face. "Well you can certainly have a go at mine, but first that tongue of yours will be going into my ass. If you're good enough I'll get your name afterwards, until then you are just another unknown slut."

There was no hesitation on my part. Quickly moving my hands up to spread her cheeks as my face slid in between them. Licking my way up into that crack until that taste little butthole hit my taste buds. Licking with teasing little flicks and then pushing it in as I moan for her. 

I was so in my element.